Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday WOD

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Friday, February 3, 2012

Friday WOD

Preparation: 3 rounds of:
10: Pull-ups
10: Push-ups
5: Dips
25: Sit-ups
2: Samson Stretch

Focus: 1x5 Front Squat

Storm: For Time:
25: Pull-ups
50: 135# Deadlift (Scale Weight)
50: Box Jumps
50: 50# Dumbbell Power Clean (Alternate Right Hand & Left Hand) (Scale Weight)
50: 135# Floor Wipers (Scale Weight)
50: 45# Overhead Lunge (Scale Weight) Use barbell, plate, dumbbell, etc.
50: Push-ups
50: Sit-ups
25: Pull-ups

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Thursday WOD

Preparation: 3 rounds of:
10: Pull-ups
10: Push-ups
5: Dips
25: Sit-ups
2: Samson Stretch

Focus: 1,1,1,1,1,1,1 Front Squat

Storm: Group One:  As Many Rounds As Possible in 20 Minutes Of:
5: Pull-ups
10: Push-ups
15: Squats
Group Two: 3 Rounds for Time
800 meter: Run, Row, Bike, Elliptical
10 step walking lunge
5: 120# Push Press (Scale Weight)

Practice: Forward Roll, Backward Roll

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wednesday WOD

Preparation: 3 rounds of:
10: Pull-ups
10: Push-ups
5: Dips
25: Sit-ups
2: Samson Stretch

Focus: 1x20 Front Squat

Storm: Five Rounds For Time Of:
6: Plyo Push-ups
8: Pull-ups
10: Dumbbell Box Jumps
12: Sit-ups
14: Clapping Burpees

Practice: Forward Roll, Backward Roll

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday WOD

Preparation: 3 rounds of:
5: Pull-ups
10: Push-ups
5: Dips
25: Sit-ups
10: Overhead Squats (use barbell)

Focus: 5x3 Front Squat

Storm: Three Rounds For Time Of:
5 minutes: Jump Rope or
800 meters: Run, Row, Bike, Elliptical (Choose One, Different Than Yesterday's WOD)
30: 75# Dumbbell Swings (Scale Weight)
30: Pull-ups

Practice: Forward Roll, Backward Roll

Monday, January 30, 2012

Monday WOD

Preparation: 3 rounds of:
5: Pull-ups
5: Push-ups
2: Dips
15: Sit-ups
10: Overhead Squats (use barbell)

Focus: 5x5 Front Squat

Storm: For Time:
400 meters: Run, Row, Bike, Elliptical (Choose one and stick with it)
100: Pull-ups
400 meters: Run, Row, Bike, Elliptical
100: Squats
400 meters: Run, Row, Bike, Elliptical
100: Push-ups
400 meters: Run, Row, Bike, Elliptical
100: Sit ups

Practice: Forward Roll, Backward Roll

Sunday, January 29, 2012

Sunday WOD

Preparation: 3 Rounds of:
5: Pull-ups
5: Push-ups
25: Sit-ups
10: OH Squats (Use Barbell, Broomstick, PVC Pipe, etc)

Focus: "Burgener Warm-up"

Recovery: 30 Minutes: Bike, Row, Swim, Walk, Slow Run, Slow Parkour Run

Skill: Pistol Progressions